Importing bank statements

How to store your Swiss bank transactions in Xero

Paul Smith

Last Update 2 maanden geleden

Upload bank statements

You can go to your Swiss bank and download your account statement in the camt 053 or 054 XML format. After you have downloaded the file from your eBanking, you use our solution to import the transactions into Xero. Refer to this page to learn how to download camt files from your bank.

1. Click on the Select tool icon

2. Choose Import bank statements in the tools list

3. Choose a camt 53 or camt 54 file from your disk

For testing, you can find a sample camt 053 file here.

4. Click on the Upload button to submit your bank statement file

View bank account transactions

After uploading your account statement file, the application provides a preview of the transactions found. The application assigns each transaction's field to a Xero concept, such as Transaction Date, Transaction Amount, Transaction Currency, Payee, Description, and (QR) Reference.

5. Click on the Previous and Next buttons to navigate through the transactions. 

6. Use the Assign to controls to change the meaning of the fields if required.

Match (QR) transactions from your bank with your books in Xero

This workflow allows you to convert your Swiss bank account statement into a format that can be imported into Xero and perform reconciliation as usual.

7a. Click on the Download CSV button and save the converted bank statement file to your computer

8a. Open Xero in another browser tab and go to the menu Accounting -> Bank accounts

9a. In the Bank accounts page, choose the account where you want to import the statement, under Manage Account, click on Import a Statement

10a. In the Import Bank Transactions page, upload the CSV bank statement file from step 7

11a. Xero will store the bank account transaction including transaction Reference, Description, Amount, Currency, and Date; and redirect you to the Reconcile page, where you can now match your bank transactions with your books.

12a. Xero will automatically find the invoices that match each transaction using the (QR) Reference or the Payee.

Save your bank transactions in Xero

You can skip the CSV download and manual reconciliation process from steps 7a-11a. Alternatively, our application enables you to import bank transactions directly as Xero account transactions. 

This workflow allows you to import Swiss bank account statements as account transactions entered into Xero. Each transaction should have a payee, i.e. the entity sending or receiving the money. 

7b. Use the Payee drop-down list to select a Xero contact for each transaction. Alternatively, you can assign a single payee to all transactions using the Select a global payee drop-down list.

8b. Specify the Xero account where the transactions should be stored using the Select bank account to feed element.

9b. Click on the Save button to store the transactions in Xero.

10b. Our application will store the transactions as Unreconciled including transaction Reference, Description, Amount, Currency, and Date; and redirect you to the Account transactions page, where you can edit the transactions.

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